Saturday, April 29, 2023

Entry #7 #Hashtag



Hashtags (#) are words or phrases that are used to categorize and search for specific topics or content on social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. When a hashtag is used in a post or tweet, it turns into a clickable link that takes the user to a feed of other posts that use the same hashtag.

Here are some of the most common uses for hashtags;

- Organize content

- Increase visibility

- Build communities

- Promote marketing campaigns

Popular #'s

#ThrowbackThursday or #TBT - On Thursdays, this hashtag is used to share photos or memories from the past, often in a nostalgic or sentimental tone.

#Travel - When sharing photos or stories about travel experiences, use this hashtag.

#MotivationMonday - On Mondays, this hashtag is used to share inspirational quotes or stories, often about personal growth or fitness.

#BlackLivesMatter - is a social justice hashtag that began as a movement to raise awareness of and combat police brutality and systemic racism against Black people.

#MeToo - is a social justice hashtag that was created to raise awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment and assault, as well as to provide a platform for survivors to share their stories.

Hashtags have significant cultural, political, professional, and social significance in today's digital age. They have grown into an effective tool for culture, political engagement, professional marketing, and social contact. They enable consumers to post and discover content, interact with others, and make their voices heard on a global scale.

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you formatted your blog post it makes it very engaging and enjoyable to look at. I used the #Metoo and the #BlackLivesMatter because I think that they're the biggest and most controversial movements with the most changes coming from them.


Entry #8 Beauty Standrads

Beauty Standards on Social Media  Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter all promote certain standards and ide...