Saturday, April 29, 2023

Entry #8 Beauty Standrads

Beauty Standards on Social Media

 Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter all promote certain standards and ideals around appearance. These are known as "beauty standards on social media." These standards are commonly described by a restricted concept of beauty that places an emphasis on traits like thinness, perfect skin, and symmetrical facial features.

By enabling users to edit and share pictures of themselves and other people, generally using filters and other editing tools that improve or change their appearance, social media has had a huge impact on beauty standards. Leaving a misunderstanding of what is "normal" or "beautiful," causing irrational expectations and problems with body image.

Social media influencers and celebrities frequently market beauty products, methods, and operations intended to help individuals meet these standards for beauty. This further establish the belief that success or attractiveness require a particular physical appearance.

Despite this desire to feel accepted in terms of beauty there is a strong movement is underway to oppose these confined beauty standards and to promote diversity and body acceptance. Many social media users are using their platforms to celebrate different types of bodies and beauty ideals and to promote a society that is more accepting and inclusive.


  1. Hi Jay, great post! I agree that social media's unrealistic beauty standards can have negative effects on many young people. However, there are several ways to counteract this, such as educating users to think critically and understand that not everything they see online is true. On the other hand we can also enforce labels on edited photographs. France has laws requiring commercial photographs to be labeled as "edited," and it would be interesting to see similar laws enforced on social media platforms if possible.

  2. Hey Jay, I really liked what you had to say about how social media creates beauty standards. It's sad to see people with a larger platform be apart of the problem instead of normalizing imperfections. It's definitely has improved over the years and I've glad people are more willing to express their natural beauty.

  3. Jay--Excellent finish to the blog project. You have interesting, relevant topics that are discussed well, and your layout is engaging and supported. Thank you for taking your writing seriously and continuously working to create connections with your audience. Great job. I hope you will keep blogging!


Entry #8 Beauty Standrads

Beauty Standards on Social Media  Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter all promote certain standards and ide...