Friday, March 24, 2023

Entry #5 Local Story Respond

 In the article "Ducey: Why Arizona needs more college grads" Ducey expresses his attempt to make an improve to the Arizona education since the benefits of holding a college education will create a better economy for Arizona.

As a current student in the Arizona system I have to admit that I have first had experience of this poor education system. I have had teachers who were clearly unqualified to be in that career path but yet are trying to teach me about math. I had to miss weeks worth of school when the "Red for Ed" movement was around because Arizona does not take care of their own. I have had to learn online due to the pandemic and had to teach myself chemistry all because the teachers were not given the tools to help provide students with the help they desperately needed at that time

I am more than happy that Ducey is taking action to improve this states long developing issue. Arizona is known for a place of retirement and living out a life, I hope one day it becomes a place where it is known for starting life's and creating people who can have a impact on society through the education and degrees they have received. Ducey is pushing this movement through not only himself but wants everyone to take action. We need government officials, corporate executives, parents, grandparents, and neighbors to come together and take a new look at how we might connect the economy and education.


  1. I agree, I have seen the teachers that give the bare minimum into teaching, they mainly will give out a ton of assignments and become upset when you explain your struggles or when you cannot understand the assignment. It would be great to see a change in the educational system.

  2. Your four new entries are really great, Jay! You have very interesting topics that you develop and discuss and support well, and you are working to engage and connect to your reader, which is very important. Your voice is honest and authentic, and your tone adjusts as you write about different topics and emotions. Great visual appeal with images, links, and layout. Well done!


Entry #8 Beauty Standrads

Beauty Standards on Social Media  Social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter all promote certain standards and ide...